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Debunking The 9 Common Heart Bypass Surgery Myths

Debunking The 9 Common Heart Bypass Surgery Myths

Heart bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), is an effective treatment for coronary artery disease. Still today, there are many heart bypass surgery myths that result in fears and false perceptions among people. Hence, it is necessary to correct misconceptions and ease ­the concerns of patients.

Before the surgery begins, you’ll be provided with anaesthesia. It is seen that after the surgery chest pain, risk of heart attack, and breathlessness problems are effectively reduced. By providing accurate information and de­bunking these myths, individuals can make informed decisions. Here, we will address nine popular myths about the procedure’s pain, recovery, and lifestyle impact.

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Debunking The 9 Common Heart Bypass Surgery Myths

Myth 1: Heart Bypass Surgery Is Always Risky

Going through a heart surgery might feel scary, however, with the advancements in medical science and the use of the latest technology, the risks become minimal. Today, heart bypass surgery has successfully removed the tag of a risky or life-threatening procedure. Expert surgeons have a 99% success rate of heart bypass surgery with a 1% mortality rate. You can learn more about the surgery from our Guide for Heart bypass surgery. As of today, this surgery is safer than those on other vital organs. Experts can help you clear all your myths about heart bypass surgery.

Myth 2: Heart Bypass Surgery Is Only For Old People

Nowadays, heart bypass surgery is common in all ages due to the conditions that lead to it. Young people (age 35-64) are at risk of heart disease due to bad eating habits, obesity, and high blood pressure. As per the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 735,000 Americans face a heart attack every year. Also, the success rate of open-heart surgery largely depends on the problem treated. Most treatments have a fatality rate of zero percent, while more complex treatments have a failure rate of less than five per cent.

Myth 3: Heart Bypass Surgery Is A Cure For Heart Disease

Heart bypass surgery will relieve your breathing problems and chest pain but will have a minimum impact on heart disease. In addition, a healthy lifestyle and diet are essential for maximum results. This surgery reduces the chances of heart attacks but does not eliminate them, therefore you need to start eating healthy and maintain the diet. Taking proper measures, following aftercare tips and regular follow-ups with your doctor is important. If you don’t follow preventive measures and instructions from the doctor, the artery problem will persist. Continuous monitoring of heart rate and other key factors is necessary in the beginning. Following a healthy diet with a prudent lifestyle after the surgery enhances the lifespan of your heart.

Myth 4: Heart Bypass Surgery Will Make You Feel Better Immediately

Recovering from Heart Bypass Surgery will generally take 3-4 weeks, but for some people, it can even take months. Most people recover fully within 6-8 weeks of surgery. Healing is a slow and steady process. Additionally, you may experience pain, fatigue, and additional side effects immediately after surgery. Eventually, these side effects will disappear. You will receive instructions about medications, breathing exercises, follow-ups, wound care, and resuming normal activities after surgery. Within a few weeks, you can do light jobs like cooking, cleaning, and climbing stairs. You can start driving and performing other normal activities when the wounds will 80% heal. Heart rehabilitation will speed up your recovery.

Myth 5: Heart Bypass Surgery Will Make You Live Longer

Heart Bypass Surgery Will Make You Live Longer

Your life expectancy after bypass surgery is subjective and varies from person to person. The good news is patients who have undergone CABG often live healthy lives. In most cases, people do not need any further surgery for at least 15 years after the surgery. Later, they may require a stent insertion or a second heart bypass, depending on the patient’s health and medical conditions. After a successful surgery and being fine through the first recovery month, you will survive with improved heart function. Adhering to the instructions of the cardiovascular surgeon, cardiologist, and other healthcare professionals will ensure your health and longevity.

Myth 6: Only Men Need Bypass Surgery

CAD patients who have more than 70% blocked arteries should consider heart bypass surgery. And according to research, more men than women tend to go for this life-saving procedure. However, selecting a patient for treatment is not gender biased. Rather, women tend to have coronary heart disease at an older age compared to men. Usually, women are sicker and old, which makes them poor candidates for CABG selection. Due to the delay in testing and diagnosis of heart disease by women, the outcomes after the surgery are not so good. Also, women have high mortality rate than men after the surgery. Women should be proactive about their cardiac health and should not take it leniently to take prompt action on time.

Myth 7: Heart Bypass Surgery Is A Painful Procedure

Heart Bypass Surgery Is A Painful Procedure

Most likely, you will feel some discomfort and grumpiness post-surgery. Your doctor will give you medicines to minimize the pain. You might feel pain in your chest, shoulder, and back. However, this pain is bearable with medicines. An incision site and the area from which a healthy blood vessel is taken may also be swollen. But all these symptoms will go away after 4-6 weeks. If the bleeding or pain worsens, tell your doctor and medical team immediately. This is a major surgery, and heart bypass recovery takes time. Everyone heals at a different pace as per their health condition and aftercare.

Myth 8: All Heart Blockages Require Heart Bypass Surgery

All Heart Blockages Require Heart Bypass Surgery

For the heart to function properly, blood must reach it. A blocked artery hinders this, causing heart problems. Many of these blockages can be cleared with angioplasty, a stent. Additionally, medications can treat some symptoms of blockages. A blockage over 70% and severe cannot be treated with medicine. In those cases, heart bypass surgery is the only option. Consult a Heart bypass surgeon in Mumbai before deciding what treatment is right for you.

Myth 9: Heart bypass surgery will prevent you from doing the things you love.

As mentioned earlier, this surgery will improve your cardiac health with less chance of heart failure. It will improve the quality of your life as you can still do the things you love. Moreover, it will reduce the symptoms like chest pain and breathlessness. You will feel more energetic once you will fully recover. These are some lifestyle changes you need to make for a healthy heart and go for a heart-healthy diet.


Hopefully, we have dispelled most of your heart bypass surgery myths. Anyone can get heart disease. Age or gender does not matter. You may take time to recover from major surgery, but with proper aftercare, medicines, and rehab activities, you can. You can also check out our page, heart bypass surgery cost in Mumbai to further increase your knowledge about the subject.

Surgery depends on several other factors, such as chronic illnesses, diabetes, kidney problems, aortic calcification, and old medical history. To reach a final decision, the doctor performs tests and diagnoses. Therefore, seeking professional medical help if you have any heart issues is very important. Feel free to contact us for support and advice from our healthcare team.

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