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Lung Transplant Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Lung Transplant Surgery

A lung transplant is a procedure to replace a damaged lung with compatible donor lungs. To confirm the eligibility for a lung transplant, the doctor and healthcare team will do a comprehensive checkup, ensuring the patient is healthy enough for the procedure. Patients with lung diseases whose condition hasn’t improved with medications and other treatments are eligible for a lung transplant.

  • Maximum age limit for Lung Transplant: 70 years
  • Risks: Rejection of new lungs, side effects of anti-rejection drugs, and increased risk of infection.
  • Single-Lung Transplant Procedure Duration: 4-6 hours
  • Double-Lung Transplant Procedure Duration: 8-10 hours
  • Recovery Time: 1-2 months

Transforming Lives through Cutting-Edge Lung Transplant Treatments

Unparalleled Expertise and Personalized Care for Successful Lung Transplants

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Who is Eligible For a Lung Transplant?

  • Cystic fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Interstitial lung disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Severe bronchiectasis

Factors that may affect your Eligibility for a Lung Transplant

  • Patients with a personal history of cancer in the last 5 years aren't ideal candidates for a lung transplant.
  • Patients with other serious diseases such as heart, kidney, or liver disease.
  • Patients who are unwilling to make lifestyle changes to keep their donor lungs healthy.
  • Patients who do not have a support network to help them as they are recovering. To know more about lung transplant surgery in Mumbai, India get in touch with a cardiothoracic surgeon now!!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average age of lung transplant patients?

The average age of a patient getting a lung transplant is in his or her 50s. However, recently over the last five to ten years, there has been an increase in elderly patients getting lung transplants. Today, transplants are offered to people in their 70s, although the risks are higher. This is carried out by carefully selecting the right candidate and has been associated with a terrific success rate. It’s important to consult with an experienced Lung Transplant Surgeon in Mumbai, India to ensure that you are meeting the criteria.

2. How will a transplant change my life?

A successful transplant helps improve the quality of life as many transplant patients can perform the same tasks that normal people can. However, they are committed to daily treatment and will be under close medical supervision for the rest of their lives. Once you have recovered, you’ll be able to perform activities such as walking, running, cooking and pursue other hobbies.

3. How long will I be hospitalized after the transplant?

The duration of being hospitalized after a lung transplant depends on your specific situation. Patients can recover sufficiently after discharge within 10 days, however, it is more typical for them to be hospitalized for two weeks or more.

4. Will I have pain after the surgery?

Generally, most of our patients do not report a lot of pain post-surgery. However, we do provide you with pain medication and specific instructions to lessen the pain. Our priority is to ensure your recovery is as comfortable as possible, enabling you to concentrate on healing and improving. You can rest assured that we’re committed to managing any discomfort, so your post-surgery experience is as smooth and pain-free as possible. Your well-being is our top concern, and we’re here to support you throughout your recovery journey.

5. What medications will I take after the transplant?

You will be on immunosuppressive medications along with several preventive medications against infections. If you are facing any pain or uneasiness, immediately consult with your Lung Transplant Specialist in Mumbai, India.

6. How long does it take to fully recover from lung transplant surgery?

Prior medical history and the patient’s age may cause the recovery period to take longer. Generally, it takes three to six months to fully recover from this procedure. It’s important to note that this timeline can be extended in cases where patients have pre-existing health issues or are older. During the initial weeks, the focus is on healing surgical incisions and managing potential complications. Gradually, patients work on regaining strength, and adjusting to any necessary lifestyle changes, such as medications and pulmonary rehabilitation, to ensure a successful and sustained recovery.

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