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Heart Transplant Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Heart Tranplant Surgery

A Heart transplant is a surgery where a failing heart is replaced with a healthier heart from a donor. The donor has to be legally-pronounced dead before the heart is removed from the chest. Your doctor will do a comprehensive checkup before determining whether you need a new heart or if you are healthy enough for a complex procedure. The transplant is performed soon after a donor’s heart becomes available as the heart is viable for only 4-6 hours.

  • Maximum age limit for Heart Transplant: 70 years
  • Risks: Primary graft failure, donor heart rejection, cardiac allograft vasculopathy, and increased risk of cancer and infections.
  • Procedure Duration: 4-8 hours
  • Recovery Time: 1-2 months

Transforming Lives through Heart Transplantation

Expert Insights, Surgical Excellence, and Post-Transplant Care

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Who is Eligible For a Heart Transplant?

Below are the criteria for a patient to be considered for heart transplant surgery in Mumbai, India:

  • Eligibility for a Heart Transplant may vary from patient to patient and depends upon factors such as your lifestyle, age, and current health.
  • Patients with a failing heart, who cannot survive without a transplant.
  • Patients suffering from coronary heart disease due to blockages restricting the blood flow may require a heart transplant.
  • Patients born with defects that hinder the regular performance of the heart may need a heart transplant.
  • Patients with cardiomyopathy, thickened, stiff or stretched heart walls need a heart transplant.
  • Patients with valvular heart disease with end-stage heart failure may also be a candidate for heart transplants.

Factors That May Affect Your Eligibility for a Heart Transplant

  • Patient with a history of cancer within 5 years are not good candidates for heart transplant procedure.
  • Patient with serious and life-shortening health issues will be advised against undergoing a heart transplant.
  • Patients with high pressure in the lungs diagnosed on right heart catheterization
  • A Heart Transplant Surgeon in Mumbai, India or worldwide won't recommend heart transplants to patients who aren't willing to take better care of a new heart. To learn more about heart transplant surgery get in touch with one of the best cardiovascular surgeon in Mumbai, India.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to recover after a heart transplant?

In most of the cases, it usually takes approximately two to three months to fully recover after a heart transplant. However, its important to know that it might differ based on the patient’s recovery speed. Factors such as age, past medical history, challenges during surgery influence the duration of recovery. Your individual circumstances and how well your body adapts to the new heart will determine your precise timeline. Our team will closely monitor your progress and provide personalised guidance to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

2. What medications will I take after the transplant?

You will be on anti-rejection medications post your heart transplant. Along with this medication, you will also have to take several other medications to help protect the body from infections.

3. How will a transplant change my life?

A successful transplant shall improve your symptoms of heart disease. Several transplant recipients can perform similar physical activities and enjoy the same quality of life as those without a transplant. However, transplant recipients are committed to regular drug treatment and close medical supervision for the rest of their lives.

If you are searching for an expert heart transplant surgeon in Mumbai, India please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

4. Is the surgery very complicated?

The outcome of the surgery depends on the patient’s specific situation. During an evaluation interview, the heart transplant surgeon will review the details of the procedure including the procedure, risk and expected recovery time.

5. Will I have pain after the surgery?

Many of our patients do not report a lot of pain after the surgery. However, the incision does cause some discomfort or pain when you cough. We will give you medication for the pain and also instructions on how to lessen the pain.

6. Will my physical activities be limited?

The main rule is to listen to the body. You can do anything once you have recovered, for example, you can compete in ski competitions or run marathons and so on. It is however best to talk to your doctor before you decide to participate in any of these activities.

7. What can I do to keep my new heart healthy?

Here are some things you can do to maintain your new healthy heart:

  • Know your medications and follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • Maintain a healthy heart diet. This includes eating fresh foods and limiting the amount of saturated fats and sodium.
  • Your post-transplant life should include exercise as your new heart needs to stay in shape.
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