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Recovery & Care Post Heart Transplant Surgery
A heart transplant surgery brings about a positive change in your life, giving you a chance to start life anew. It will extend your life expectancy, increase energy levels, and offer you an overall better quality of life. The initial months following heart transplant surgery may present some challenges that we will discuss, but it’s...
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Heart Healthy Foods
Have you been thinking of making a real change in your eating habits? Then it’s time for you to switch to a healthy diet and reap all the benefits that it has to offer. One of the many benefits of a healthy diet includes a boost in your heart health. This is why you need...
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Lifestyle Changes You Need To Make For A Healthy Heart
Taking care of your heart is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Think of your heart as an engine that drives your body. If the engine has some issues or malfunctions then it cannot run efficiently. This can majorly impact your overall health. One very effective way of taking...
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8+ Exercises To Keep Your Heart Healthy
Your heart is one of the most prominent and powerful organs in your body. In order to keep your heart beating at an optimal pace, you have to actively take care of it. You have to take measures such as exercising and getting on a healthy diet. Exercising has several benefits for your body, including...
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A Comprehensive Guide For Heart Bypass Surgery
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), also known as Bypass Surgery, is a procedure used to restore the blood flow to the blocked arteries of the heart. In bypass surgery, arteries from inside the chest and sometimes the leg and the arm are utilized as conduits to bypass the blockages in the heart. In our comprehensive...
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7 Daily Habits That Damage Your Heart
It is quite simple to fall into an unhealthy habit, be it something as minor as biting your nails or something with a bit more health risk, such as getting used to an unhealthy diet. While it may not seem like it, all unhealthy habits tend to have cumulative effects that can often have long-lasting...
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Do’s And Don’ts Of Recovering From Heart Surgery
Modern medicine has blessed us with numerous health treatment options that help extend our lives. It includes treatments such as Heart Transplant, Angioplasty, Heart bypass, and Mitral Valve Repair & Replacement. A patient diagnosed with heart disease is advised by their doctor to undergo heart surgery. This gives the patient a new lease on life....
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