Infective Endocarditis, also known as bacterial endocarditis, is a bacterial infection. These bacteria enter the bloodstream, settling in the lining of the heart, heart valve, or blood vessel. People with heart conditions have a higher risk of developing Infective Endocarditis.
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According to healthcare professionals, infective endocarditis most commonly affects the mitral valve, followed by the pulmonary and aortic valves. Also, drug addiction is a leading cause of infective endocarditis affecting the tricuspid valve.
Risk factors for endocarditis include:
If you wish to avoid infective endocarditis you must keep good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing and having regular dental check-ups and avoiding tattooing or piercing. You can also ask your doctor for antibiotics.
Once the infection is resolved and an echocardiogram indicates favorable results, you may resume your usual activities.
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